Special autonomy was once carried by Berau Regency , Special Region Berau is a special area within the municipal level in Kalimantan . Special Region Berau formed by the Indonesian state with the Emergency Law 3/1953 on the Establishment of the Regency in Borneo since its origins right . Berau Special Region consists of self-government and self-government Sambaliung - Powder Mountain . Privileges include the appointment of the Special Region Berau Head Special Region . Head of Special Region Berau held by Sultan Muhammad Amminuddin .
Special Region Berau removed by Law 27/1959 on Establishment of Emergency Law 3/1953 on the Establishment of the Regency in Borneo . The terrain is made within the Berau District of East Kalimantan Province .
Now at the end of 2014 that the initiative a District Drs . H. Makmur HAPK , MM returned stating that Berau regency given special autonomy that is characterized by a commitment by some government officials in Berau District Joint existing Community leaders , representatives of the empire Sambaliung and Gunung Tabur and also the traditional authorities in the district Berau .
This is necessary because during this pattern occurs is as a central determinant of kebujakan , while it does not necessarily support or option deemed appropriate by the district government , it is certainly an impact on local government efforts to improve the welfare and infrastructure as a support for the people of the District Berau .
Special in Berau District , which has a very wide area , but infrastructure is still very slow . There are still many remote and backward areas , not least in the border region .
There are still many people who do not yet enjoy the Berau basic infrastructure , such as water and electricity . The more access roads that make people who live in the interior still isolated so that difficulties in obtaining education and health facilities .
Since there is no road access , transport costs are very expensive . For example , residents of Kampung Long Suluy , District Kelay , the Big Dipper - Plow District residents during these must reach the millions of dollars just for the cost of transportation to the capital of Berau District , Cape Redeb .
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