Airport (Airport) Kalimarau looks magnificent, but do not be mistaken
this airport free of complaints of service users. One was the use of old buses to transport passengers to the old apron. So, who is most responsible for replacing old buses. Are operators, airport managers, or again Berau regency?
AIRPORT Kalimarau now entered into 158 days of its operation. The count has not been so long, but busy airport is very solid. Especially before Lebaran. With as many as four operators flying the airlines, this makes frenzied penumpag every day. Moreover, in early August, also marked the maiden flight of the state-owned airline Garuda Indonesia Airways (GIA).
The entry of Garuda, is the answer to a dream Berau Regent Makmur, HAPK, when the new airport complex was first implemented. Regent is to imagine the future, when Garuda has opened flights from and to Kalimarau, then simultaneously, airports Kalimarau will enter the ranks of classy airports in the country.
That way, the number of passengers and aircraft movements at the airport also became higher than ever.Indeed, a new problem arises, after the entry of Garuda. Kalimarau as a place to stay would be confusion if just one day decided to stay at the Garuda Kalimarau. Why? Aircraft parking area (Apron) is certainly not enough. This may have to be answered. And, certainly, Garuda would later pick lodged in Kalimarau plane.
Surprises like this, making Berau Regent Makmur, HAPK also have to think hard and convince many people. Especially, to convince all users airport services, how they can get a good service. "We will talk with DRD on education and to build a new Apron," said Makmur. It is necessary, though the Apron, located opposite the garbarata. For garbarata, for now two is enough.
Apron, said Regent will be proposed land right in front of the airport VIP room. The land is still very wide. And, to be able to accommodate aircraft and reduce aircraft overnight. No need to put the plane in a long apron. And, passengers no longer ride a rusty old bus. Apron may be done by improving the quality of the runway. So that later, when the plane raced no longer felt a surge of small hilly ground.
Today is the age of 158 days after its inauguration, during which never stops Regents Kalimarau devoted to the airport. Together relevant officials or a self-and when to leave, regent definitely specializing see all toilet conditions. As did Dahlan Iskan, when they first visited the airport Kalimarau.
And, the result is still able to make the regents smile. Is cleanliness still working diligently and very professional. People are also starting to realize and create Kalimarau contributed kept clean. Which has not, perhaps how the main hall of the airport could smell cigarette smoke free.
AIRPORT Kalimarau now entered into 158 days of its operation. The count has not been so long, but busy airport is very solid. Especially before Lebaran. With as many as four operators flying the airlines, this makes frenzied penumpag every day. Moreover, in early August, also marked the maiden flight of the state-owned airline Garuda Indonesia Airways (GIA).
The entry of Garuda, is the answer to a dream Berau Regent Makmur, HAPK, when the new airport complex was first implemented. Regent is to imagine the future, when Garuda has opened flights from and to Kalimarau, then simultaneously, airports Kalimarau will enter the ranks of classy airports in the country.
That way, the number of passengers and aircraft movements at the airport also became higher than ever.Indeed, a new problem arises, after the entry of Garuda. Kalimarau as a place to stay would be confusion if just one day decided to stay at the Garuda Kalimarau. Why? Aircraft parking area (Apron) is certainly not enough. This may have to be answered. And, certainly, Garuda would later pick lodged in Kalimarau plane.
Surprises like this, making Berau Regent Makmur, HAPK also have to think hard and convince many people. Especially, to convince all users airport services, how they can get a good service. "We will talk with DRD on education and to build a new Apron," said Makmur. It is necessary, though the Apron, located opposite the garbarata. For garbarata, for now two is enough.
Apron, said Regent will be proposed land right in front of the airport VIP room. The land is still very wide. And, to be able to accommodate aircraft and reduce aircraft overnight. No need to put the plane in a long apron. And, passengers no longer ride a rusty old bus. Apron may be done by improving the quality of the runway. So that later, when the plane raced no longer felt a surge of small hilly ground.
Today is the age of 158 days after its inauguration, during which never stops Regents Kalimarau devoted to the airport. Together relevant officials or a self-and when to leave, regent definitely specializing see all toilet conditions. As did Dahlan Iskan, when they first visited the airport Kalimarau.
And, the result is still able to make the regents smile. Is cleanliness still working diligently and very professional. People are also starting to realize and create Kalimarau contributed kept clean. Which has not, perhaps how the main hall of the airport could smell cigarette smoke free.
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